July 9, 2002

Cabin Fever (2002)

"Fresh out of college, Jeff, Karen, Paul, Marcy and Bert head up to a remote cabin for a weekend of alcohol-drenched sex and sunbathing. When Karen gets sick, they make a chilling discovery: there's a killer in the woods... one you can't hear, one you can't can't see, one you can't escape. The struggle against the repulsive killer turns into a battle against friends, as fear drives them to turn on each other in the fight for survival."

There now follows the quickest capsule review possible owing to the fact that I absolutely hated everything about this film.

Funny in parts but not particularly scary in others because it’s not really sure what it wants to be.

Some scenes involving flesh peeling off due to infection and the puking up of blood are genuinely nasty but then the whole tone of the movie is ruined by really lame plot development and some seemingly unintentional comedy mixed in with "intentional" comedy.

This movie loses direction so many times, it looks as if several directors were working on the same project but with different scripts! Since this is all the work of one director you can only conclude that Eli Roth just didn't know what the hell he was doing!

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